Friday, June 2, 2023
Located in INRAE RECOVER facilities in Le Tholonet or at (see also Venue and access), the workshop will propose the following program with invited talks:
(All times for Paris time)
- 9:40am: Vincent Richefeu (Université Grenoble Alpes, France) with Olivier Ozenda, Guillaume Chambon, Gaël Combe
MPM with DEM homogenised constitutive laws
- 10:20am: Guillaume Chambon (INRAE, France)
Double-scale MPMxDEM modelling of snowpack deformation and failure
- 11:00am: Coffee break (on-site)
- 11:30am: Johan Gaume (ETH Zürich, Switzerland) with Lars Blatny
A Material Point Method for Gravitational Mass Movements
- 12:10pm: Louis Guillet (INRIA, France)
A Depth-Averaged MPM for the Simulation of Snow Slab Avalanches, Toward a Non-Smooth Implicit Approach
- 12:40pm: Lunch (on-site)
- 2:00pm: Frédéric Dufour (Grenoble INP, France)
FEM with Lagrangian Integration Points: the twin method of MPM with a validated integration scheme. Several applications to non-newtonian fluid flows and geomechanical problems
- 2:40pm: Sacha Duverger (INRAE, France) with Jérôme Duriez, Stéphane Bonelli, Pierre Philippe
Dependence of MPM conservative properties on the motion integration strategy
- 3:10pm: Alba Yerro (Virginia Tech, USA)
From multiphase formulations to earthquake triggered failures in MPM (online)
- 3:50pm: Krishna Kumar (University of Texas, USA)
In situ visualization and Accelerating large-scale Material Point Method Simulator with Graph Network Simulators (online)
- 4:30pm: Closure